News — secondary containment
Are your customers prepared for winter?
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Will your customer's drums and IBCs be protected against the winter weather when stored outside? At Romold, we offer a comprehensive range of covered storage units.If non-covered spill pallets are stored outside, they will collect rainwater and can cause contamination. Our range of covered spill pallet bunds enables your customers to safely store IBCs & drums outside in all weather conditions and prevent rainwater from entering the sump. Full Covered Range BP2HC Length: 1490mm Width: 990mm Height: 16900mm Sump: 230ltrWeight: 85kgUDL: 650kg BP2HCS Length: 1490mm Width: 990mm Height: 1690mm Sump: 230ltrWeight: 90kgUDL: 650kg BP2HCH Length: 1490mm Width: 990mm Height: 1690mm Sump: 230ltrWeight: 95kgUDL: 650kg...
Is spill containment required?
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Is spill containment required? The short answer… Yes. If your company needs to work with hazardous or dangerous chemicals such as oil, there is always the possibility that leaks and spills may occur causing a great deal of damage to both your business and the environment. It may also be toxic or reactive, and can be difficult to clean up. It is also a legal requirement for companies to have spill containment kits to prevent damaging the surrounding area. If you are found to be negligent not only will you be prosecuted by not complying with these laws, but you...